(510) 270-5634
Eye & Vision Exams
Regular eye exam is just as important as your annual physical for your general health. Many eye diseases do not affect your vision in the beginning stages, and can only be detected during a comprehensive eye exam. Dr. Mo and the Eyes of Vision Optometry team take even routine eye exams very seriously.
Regular eye exam
During a yearly examination, our patients will receive a patient history review to understand your health status and visual needs, a series of vision tests to determine your prescription, assessments of eye focusing and movement, and an eye health evaluation including testing for glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration. Our optometrist will discuss any additional testing that may be required to diagnose an eye disease or condition.
We use advanced instruments to achieve best results and patient comfort. Our eye pressure checking device does not require eye drops or air puff. We also offer retinal photography to diagnose and document diseases in the back of the eyes. This procedure also helps patients to gain better understanding regarding their condition.
Your prescription will be fine tuned to meet your visual needs for at home and at work. Please bring your computer viewing distance if you would like a prescription for your computer use.
Call us a today at 510-270-5634 to schedule an appointment.